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Research Trials 

Contracted Trials 

  • 2021 - Evaluation of a New Thinning Mode of Action (Metamitron) on Gala and Fuji 

  • 2022 - Crop Safety of Mastercrop compared to Previsto and Cueva 

  • 2022 - Evaluation of Metamitron in the Traditional Thinning Window 

  • 2022 - Rescue Thinning with Metamitron on Gala, Fuji, and Honeycrisp 

  • 2022 - Determine the Effect of Coromoran on Woolly Apple Aphid and Mite Flair-Ups 

  • 2023 - Evaluation of Metamitron Thinning at 15-18mm 

  • 2022 - Comparing 'Pro Hex 27.5%' to Current Prohexadione Products 

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  • ​2021 & 2022 & 2023 - Timing and rate Effects of Arrange on Flower Bud Initiation and Return Bloom in Honeycrisp 

  • ​2021 - Effectiveness of Vapor Gard on Increasing Fruit Size in Gala 

  • ​2022 - CM-OFM Combo Mating Distribution Efficacy and Economic Analysis 

  • 2021 - Evaluation of ABA and ACC as Thinners in Gala ​

  • 2022 - Rescue Thinning with Accede (Dry Formulation) 

  • 2023 - Evaluate Petal Fall Application of Accede on Gala 

  • 2023 - Evaluate ACC Combinations at 8-10mm as Carbaryl Replacement on Gala 

  • 2023 - Evaluate Prohexadione-Ca Effects on Fruit Thinning with Accede 

  • 2023 - Evaluating Clean Molybdenum on Organic Gala Yield 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Fruit Finish and Color Enhancement Using Parka and Kallur on Fuji 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Fireblight Incidence in Gala Treated with Parka

  • ​2022 & 2023 - Evaluating Nova PeKacid Fertigation on Young Non-Bearing Fuji 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Evaluating Foliar Applied Nova Hipeak on Gala 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Evaluating Nova Pulse on Gala & Fuji Yield 

  • 2023 - Evaluating Polysulphae on Honeycrisp 

  • 2023 - Effect of Applying Colorcao on Hineycrisp at Color Break 

  • ​2021 & 2022 & 2023 - Effect of Preharvest and Season-Long Foliar Nutrition on Fruit Coloring 

  • 2022 - Evaluating BluLogic for Fruit Finish Issues 

  • ​2023 - UPLS Fungicide and Insecticide Awareness Trial on Gala 

  • 2023 - Yield & Fruit Size Evaluation of Vacciplant and Procure on Gala 

  • ​2022 - tracking Water movement Variations of Aquate max Treated Irrigation Water 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Applying Tropicote in Addition to Grower Standard Fertilizer Practices 

  • 2023 - Applications of ACTISIL on Honeycrisp 


LTI Trials 


  • 2022 & 2023 - Sunburn and Cuticle Protection of Honeycrisp 

  • 2023 - Season-Long Applications of Stimplex and Vitazyme 

  • 2023 - Eckosil Shield for Sunburn Protection 

  • 2023 - Parka, Raynox & Diffusion for Sunburn Protection


  • 2021 - Fertigation & Water Treatment on Gala 

  • 2021 - Nuprid Chemigation vs. Sprayer Application

  • 2022 - Young Tree Fertigation Program Comparison 

  • 2023 - Evaluating the Duration of Imidacloprid Efficacy After Applications to Control Woolly Apple Aphids

Fruit Finish 

  • 2021 - Evaluation of Different Tank Mixes and Their Effects of Fruit Finish 

Granular Nutrition

  • 2023 - More-On Fertilizer Trials to Carry High Crop Loads 


  • 2021 - Feathering Techniques and Growth Response on Young Trees 

  • 2021 - Growth Response to Spring Pruning and Hedging of Fuji

  • Effects of Top Hedging on Gala 

  • 2021 Honeycrisp Renewal Cut Timing 

  • 2022 - Non-Bearing Pruning and Thinning Techniques to Promote Leader Growth 

  • 2022 - Cover Cropping to Increase Soil Health and Tree Survival in Replant Scenarios 

  • 2022 - Chemically Defruiting Young Non-Bearing Trees 

  • 2022 - Green Lacewing Larvae Release for Predation of Woolly Apple Aphids 

  • 2022 - Bud Scoring to Promote Later Branch Production 

  • 2022 - Applying Promalin for Increased Fruit Set in Wildfire Gala 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Timing Renewal Pruning Cuts to Combat Biennial Bearing in Honeycrisp

  • 2022 & 2023 - Scoring Honeycrisp to Promote Return Bloom 

  • 2023 - Impact of Unharvested Fruit on Return Bloom

  • 2023 - Hand-Thinning Effects on the Growth Rate of Gala

  • 2023 - Hand-Thinning & Summer Pruning Effects on the Growth Rate of Honeycrisp & Fuji 

  • 2023 - Xylem Functionality Among Honeycrisp Rootstocks 

  • 2023 - Fall Side-Grafting of Premier Honeycrisp on to Banning Fuji 

Soil Amendments

  • 2022 & 2023 - Rootstock and InFurrow Soil Treatments on Replants


  • 2021 - JetAg Thinning 

  • 2021 - Cold Temperature Thinning 

  • 2021 - Evaluating ATS Bloom Thinning for Size Evaluation in Gala 

  • 2022 - ATS and Macxel (Thinning Combos) 

  • 2022 - Caustic Thinning Wildfire Galas for Increased Fruit Size 

  • 2023 - ABA Thinning of Organic Gala 

  • 2023 - Rescue Thinning with Accede, Ethephon, and Carbaryl 

  • 2023 - Fuji Thinning and Return Bloom Effects of 6-BA vs NAA 

  • 2023 - Utilizing the Pollen Tube Growth Model to Time Caustic Thinning Applications 

  • 2023 - Evaluating the Efficacy of Thinning Programs on Gala

  • 2023 - Evaluating the Use of Lime Sulfur for King Removal on Honeycrisp 

  • 2023 - Economic Analysis on Defruiting Young Trees with Lime Sulfur 


  • 2023 - Mylar Placement Effect on Premier Honeycrisp 

  • 2023 -Comparison of Preharvest Coloring Products on Honeycrisp, Gala and Fuji 

Foliar Nutrition

  • 2021 - Foliar Nutrition Before Frost Events 

  • 2023 - Honeycrisp Response to High Levels of Foliar P&K

Frost Prevention

  • 2023 - Foliar Nutrition Applications Prior to Freezing Events 

  • 2023 - Valida PBD Applications Prior to Freezing Events 


  • 2023 - Evaluating Crop Safety of In-Season Copper Sprays 

Harvest Management

  • 2023 - Evaluating Maturity, Pressure, and Color After Harvista Applications on Ambrosia, Fuji, and Evercrisp 

  • Evaluating Bin Liners for Packout Variation Post CA Storage 

  • Maturity Response of Retain Applications 


  • 2022 - Evaluating the Duration of Imidacloprid Efficacy After Applications to Increase Control of Woolly Apple Aphids 

  • 2023 - Efficacy of Pest-kote on Woolly Apple Aphids 

  • 2023 - Efficacy of Foliar Pesticides on Woolly Apple Aphids 


  • 2022 & 2023 - PGR Applications for Increased Lateral Limb Production on New Trees 

  • 2023 - Investigating Apogee Rates & Timing on Fuji 

  • 2023 - Return Bloom Effect of NAA Application on Honeycrisp 

  • 2023 - Full Season Applications of NAA Concerning Xylem Functionality & Bitter Pit 

  • 2023 - In-Season PGRs Effect on Xylem Functionality & Bitter Pit Increase 

  • 2023 - Using Provide & Arrange to Lengthen Honeycrisp Stems 

  • 2023 - Using Promalin to increase Fruit Set on Wildfire Gala 

  • 2023 - Using Apogee at Pink to Reduce Bitter Pit Severity of Honeycrisp 

  • 2023 - Vapor Gard, ABA, and Parka Influences on Bitter Pit in Honeycrisp 


  • 2022 & 2023 - Farm Vision Precision Crop Load Management 

  • 2023 - Aerobotics Drone Mapping 

  • 2023 Aerobotics Mobile - Aeroview 

  • 2023 - Using Spectre for Post-Harvest Fruit Scans 

  • Soil Optix - Soil Mapping 

Weed Control

  • 2022 - Plastic Mulching for Weed Control and Impacts on Fruit Coloring 

  • 2022 & 2023 - Rinieri Bio-Dynamic; Tillage of Herbicide Strips

  • 2022 & 2023 - Does Leaf Cover Have an Effect on Post-Harvest Herbicide Efficacy 

  • 2023 - Weed Suppression Ground Cover in Organic Production 

  • Organic Herbicides Demo 

Net Covering Crops
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